Friday 6 July 2012

Nocturnal Panic Attack

More and more people are getting affected by More and more people are getting affected by nocturnal panic attacks and anxiety, with the increasing pressure of our fast paced daily lives and materialistic and pressure driven culture. How does one go one or embrace life after overcoming nocturnal panic attacks and anxiety? How does one continue loving life after a huge emotional stress?
Treating nocturnal panic attacks and anxiety is possible. However to deal and overcoming anxiety and nocturnal panic attacks head-on is crucial to realize how them work and how to eliminate them. Emotional stress does not demand control our life. If a panic attack is a medically induced condition, there are drugs that can assist. If the panic attack is induced by an environmental precondition from former experience, there are therapies able to help.
There is an connection we make certain stimuli that is advantageous under normal contexts. Nevertheless whenever the stimulus is present to a lot of the time, or else the connections are excessively substantial, then lasting life-damaging anxiety will be the consequence.
After encompassing your feelings and emotions, it is crucial to choose the next step. Finding somebody to share your feelings and emotional activity. Occasionally all we require is someone to listen to our distresses and mirror back to us our feelings to corroborate them. You are not alone with your feelings. Emotions should not be stored up, crude, boxed in our minds. They should be released or else it may conduce to unhealthful perceptions of spirit.
To heal mild to sever anxiety and nocturnal panic attacks there are numerous techniques that can be tackled:
o Support groups can be a big assistance. There are groups of people that can connect to what you are experiencing. The group can share experiences and retrieval techniques.
o Medications known as minor tranquilizers can be stimulated by the patient. Although taking medicinal drugs to go back from emotional stress may conduce to physical addiction and the likely return of panic and anxiety symptoms once the medication is quit.
o Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a psychotherapy that can facilitate the patient to modify anxious self talk and false impressions that give the physical structure anxiety producing messages.
o Exercising and relaxation methods can also be practiced. Anxiety or nocturnal panic attacks are of physical component, processes for relaxing the body are an significant component of the treatment program. Any mental health care provider can teach relaxation and stress decrease processes.
o Stimulants are also present in the nutrients that we are consuming. Consequently, it is crucial to supervise dieting and food. Stimulant as caffeine and nicotine can exacerbate anxiety and panic attacks. Even sugar and other food sensitivities can make people feel anxious.
Once you are on your path for overcoming panic attacks and anxiety, keep in mind to be forever be in touch with your feelings. Stay connected. Staying around your friends and family can improve your temper. Being social may have a irrefutable impact on retrieval and survival. The more in touch you are with your feelings, the easier the convalesce is.
The quicker you can begin enjoying life and living life once more. panic attacks and anxiety, with the increasing pressure of our fast paced daily lives and materialistic and pressure driven culture. How does one go one or embrace life after overcoming panic attacks and anxiety? How does one continue loving life after a huge emotional stress?
Treating nocturnal panic attacks and anxiety is possible. However to deal and overcoming anxiety and panic attacks head-on is crucial to realize how them work and how to eliminate them. Emotional stress does not demand control our life. If a panic attack is a medically induced condition, there are drugs that can assist. If the panic attack is induced by an environmental precondition from former experience, there are therapies able to help.
There is an connection we make certain stimuli that is advantageous under normal contexts. Nevertheless whenever the stimulus is present to a lot of the time, or else the connections are excessively substantial, then lasting life-damaging anxiety will be the consequence.
Panic attack, like its sister condition anxiety can be caused by several agents. To cope with our panic attack we will have to check the personality of the person. Dealing with panic attacks implies doing away with them entirely. To deal with panic attacks and anxiety, return to the feelings. Get a load into the actual emotional natural process and emotional history built up since puerility.
After encompassing your feelings and emotions, it is crucial to choose the next step. Finding somebody to share your feelings and emotional activity. Occasionally all we require is someone to listen to our distresses and mirror back to us our feelings to corroborate them. You are not alone with your feelings. Emotions should not be stored up, crude, boxed in our minds. They should be released or else it may conduce to unhealthful perceptions of spirit.
To heal mild to sever anxiety and nocturnal panic attacks there are numerous techniques that can be tackled:
o Support groups can be a big assistance. There are groups of people that can connect to what you are experiencing. The group can share experiences and retrieval techniques.
o Medications known as minor tranquilizers can be stimulated by the patient. Although taking medicinal drugs to go back from emotional stress may conduce to physical addiction and the likely return of panic and anxiety symptoms once the medication is quit.
o Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a psychotherapy that can facilitate the patient to modify anxious self talk and false impressions that give the physical structure anxiety producing messages.
o Exercising and relaxation methods can also be practiced. Anxiety or panic attacks are of physical component, processes for relaxing the body are an significant component of the treatment program. Any mental health care provider can teach relaxation and stress decrease processes.
o Stimulants are also present in the nutrients that we are consuming. Consequently, it is crucial to supervise dieting and food. Stimulant as caffeine and nicotine can exacerbate anxiety and panic attacks. Even sugar and other food sensitivities can make people feel anxious.
Once you are on your path for overcoming nocturnal panic attacks and anxiety, keep in mind to be forever be in touch with your feelings. Stay connected. Staying around your friends and family can improve your temper. Being social may have a irrefutable impact on retrieval and survival. The more in touch you are with your feelings, the easier the convalesce is.
The quicker you can begin enjoying life and living life once more.
A lot of people besides me have suffered from anxiety and nocturnal panic attacks for years. At the time, I thought that I would never find a cure that helped me eliminate the source of my I suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for years. At the time, I thought that I would never find a cure that helped me eliminate the source of my anxiety and overcome panic attacks. Fortunately I did and have been panic-free for over three years.. Luckily I did and have been panic-free for over two years.

Can You Spot These Panic Attack Symptoms In Your Life?

Have you ever experience a panic attack? I don’t want alarm you, but the average person will experience at least one panic attack in the course of their lifetime.
This doesn’t mean you are caught in a panic disorder, however it’s important you know what the main panic attack symptoms are and be able to recognise if you are having one.
What is a panic attack
A panic attack is the triggering of the so called “fight or flight” mechanism, i.e. is your body’s reaction to a situation your mind perceives as stressful and requiring immediate action and resolution (i.e. you have to leave it by solving it or by flying away).
If this reaction triggers in real high stress times requiring an extra level of action, then it is healthy and is going to help your survival (this is the so called “eustress” or “good stress”).
When this reaction triggers at inappropriate moments, becomes a panic attack. If a panic attack is triggered frequently in your daily life it becomes a panic disorder.
Panic attack or heart attack?
One of the main symptoms of panic attack is tightness in your chest, that could lead you to believe you are having a heart attack. In fact, panic attack and hearth attack can have surprisingly similar symptoms.
If you experienced a panic attack and have the doubt, see your doctor and go for a check with him, He will assure you that the two are different and that can be distinguished for sure and will help you to identify if you are taking hearth risking by direct check or, if needed, with some medical exams.
Are you having a panic attack?
So how can you tell if you are having a panic attack? Together with tightness in your chest, there are just a few less common symptoms related to panic attacks, each varying from person to person in frequence and intensity. In fact most chronic panic sufferers tend to have a unique set of symptoms that mark uniquely their panic attacks.
Here are a few more distinguishing factors behind panic attacks:
- Increased heart rate.
- Quickness of breathing.
- Overwhelming feeling of dread or fear (panic).
- Unfounded fear towards random objects or events.
- Increased body temperature.
- Tingling in one or both arms and/or the tips of the fingers.
- Dizziness.
- Profuse sweating.
- Lightheadedness.
- Nausea.
- Minor delusions.
Panic in your mind, not in your time
Even if symptoms can be daunting, a person who experiences any combination of the above panic attack symptoms has to remember that the feelings will not last very long.
The fact is that panic attacks are very limited in time and the body can only maintain this reaction for, at most, 15 minutes.
So the panic is in your mind but is not in your time. It’s overwhelming but it won’t last forever in your day. It’s hard, but you won’t die and you are going to experience a relief short after.
About anxiety
When you have a panic attack, you often experience a feeling of anxiety about new attacks that could follow.
This is natural and a confirm that you experienced a real panic attack and not something else. This fear lasts from a few days to a week in most people.
If this fear lasts more (and this will happen probably if you are going to experience more than a panic attack in a week), then there is some evidence for a panic disorder, and a professional medical advice is mandatory. In this case seek help with a medical physician, or psychiatric doctor in order to control your attacks; and things will improve.

Monday 18 June 2012

Anxiety Panic Disorder

The symptoms of panic can hit any one of us. This is a normal human defense mechanism called the 'fight or flight' instinct and this defensive mechanism has helped humans evolve to the state that we're in now. However, our day to day stress filled lives can bring unwanted anxieties into our spheres and it's when these anxieties repeatedly occur that they can turn into an anxiety panic disorder.
Anxiety and panic can strike anyone at any time and these attacks can be debilitating as your entire life becomes centered on waiting for a panic attack to strike. The feelings can make you feel that you're experiencing a stroke, a heart attack or even that you're dying. When no medical help can be found to treat this "mysterious" condition, then you're left to wonder when the next attack may happen. As you're unable to predict the next attack you become extremely anxious and you might also develop a lingering and intense worry that your next attack could happen the next minute.
These intense emotions can keep you on a roller coaster of anxiety and panic. The more these symptoms are repeated, your brain begins to dictate how you should live so as not to experience any more panic attacks. This then, spirals into anxiety panic disorder.
The symptoms of anxiety panic disorder include pounding heart, weakness, feelings of being faint, and dizziness. Your hands may feel numb or they may tingle. You will experience chest pains, smothering sensations, a sense of unreality. All of these feelings may lead you to believe that you are having a heart attack, a stroke or even dying.
Anxiety panic disorder attacks can occur at any time. These attacks can last anywhere from a few minutes up to 10 minutes and there are even rare cases where a case anxiety panic disorder can last for about an hour.
For people who suffer from anxiety panic disorder there are other maladies that need to be treated as well. Depression and alcoholism are some of the accompanying illnesses and sometimes panic attacks can spawn phobias as well. These phobias occur where a panic attack first happened. This may even cause an anxiety panic disorder sufferer to restrict their lives so they avoid situations that might invite another attack.
If you suffer from an anxiety panic disorder you'll know just how debilitating it can be. To that end an anxiety panic disorder sufferer has a number of options to choose from to either learn to cope with their condition or to find a fitting cure. The first step however, is as always in your hands - only you can find a suitable method of 'cope or cure' for your anxiety panic disorder.

Panic Attacks Causes

As with most behavioral illnesses, the causes of panic attacks are many. Certainly there is evidence that the tendency to have panic attacks can sometimes be inherited. However, there is also evidence that panic may be a learned response and that the attacks can be initiated in otherwise healthy people simply given the right set of circumstances. Research into the causes of panic attacks is ongoing.
Panic disorder is a separate but related diagnosis to panic attacks. People experiencing repeated panic attacks and who meet other diagnostic criteria may be diagnosed with this illness. Panic disorder is thought to have more of an inherited component than panic attacks that are not a part of panic disorder. Certain medical conditions, likeasthma and heart disease, as well as certain medications, like steroids and some asthma medications, can have attacks of anxiety as a symptom or side effect. As individuals with panic disorder are at higher risk of having a heart-valve abnormality called mitral valve prolapse (MVP), that should be evaluated by a doctor since MVP may indicate that specific precautions be taken when the person is treated for a dental problem.
Research is inconsistent as to whether nutritional deficiencies (for example, zinc or magnesium deficiency) may be risk factors for panic disorder. While food additives like aspartame, alone or in combination with food dyes, are suspected to play a role in the development of panic attacks in some people, more research is needed to understand their role in this disorder

Sunday 17 June 2012

Anxiety Disorder - Revealed

Anxiety is psychological and physiological state which affects all aspects of the body. It is also one of body's very effective coping mechanisms against stress and other disequilibrium. Anxiety helps the individual cope up by preparing the body in dealing with upcoming stressful situations, wherein survival is needed. Little dose of anxiety is very useful in an individuals body, but if anxiety become severe wherein it become irrational this kind of anxiety must be treated immediately. There are many sings of anxiety disorder one of them are the following; irrational fear, uncertainty and stress. Anxiety disorder affects almost 40 million American adults.
Anxiety disorders has its own types or categories and they are written below:
* panic disorder,
* obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
* post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
* social phobia (or social anxiety disorder)
* specific phobias
* generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Every types of the disorder have its own unique symptoms, but commonly they share the same symptoms of excessive irrational fear and dread. To initially diagnose an individual having anxiety disorder a good assessment is very important to start with, preferably using a standardized interview or questionnaire together with expert evaluation as well as the view and feelings of the patient must be considered. Moreover, a thorough medical examination must be done to recognize other potential conditions that can cause the symptoms of anxiety disorder.
Medical treatment of said condition includes drug therapy such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety and beta- blockers, these drugs are the common drugs that the physician usually prescribed for the patient to take. But these drugs only treats the symptoms of the disorder not the disorder itself, in short those drugs are for palliative treatment only. Other than medical treatment we also have the Psychotherapy, which particularly a cognitive- behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy is also a very effective way in knowing the cause of anxiety disorder in a certain patient as well as how to manage the present symptoms. Generally, in managing anxiety disorder, the combination of medical treatment and psychotherapy is the best way to control and deal with the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder. But there are also cases wherein an existing condition like alcoholism, depression and others may interfere in the treatment of anxiety disorder, that sometimes we need to treat first the other coexisting conditions before full treatment of anxiety disorder can be started.
There are also other treatment of the condition like stress management, since stresses are the usual cause of the disorder. We have also meditation, wherein individuals with anxiety disorder can calm themselves and may also augment the effect of therapy.
Things to consider before taking medication for anxiety disorder:
- Inquire about the effects and the side effects of the drug that you may experience while taking it.
- Inform your physician of any alternative treatment that you have been using together with drug therapy or other over-the-counter drugs that you are taking in. so that you will know if there are contraindication and negative interactions between them.
- Ask your physician when and how the medication should be stopped. Some drugs can't be stopped abruptly but must be tapered off slowly under a physician's supervision.
- Be knowledgeable enough that there are medications wherein should be taken in a scheduled regular manner and no skips, because symptoms may recur if stop.
- And most importantly work with your physician when it comes to deciding what drugs to use for your condition.

5 Best Tips for an Anxiety Disorder Test

Anxiety disorders are more common than a lot of people think, a misunderstanding that has probably arisen because most sufferers feel unable to come forward about their problem or discuss there worries with other people. Anxiety disorders can be brought on by certain situations or because of certain things such as substance abuse of a traumatic experience while some forms of Anxiety Disorder may exist throughout life and only present themselves during adulthood. Anxiety disorders can sometimes be mistaken for panic attacks but as they become more and more common and more patients come forward with their problems Anxiety Disorders are becoming more recognized and more easily diagnosed.
1- Because there are a number of different areas that ascertain whether a patient does indeed suffer from Anxiety Disorder it can be difficult to give them the appropriate test. Putting them in a situation that would cause anxiety is unlikely to yield results because people who suffer from an Anxiety Disorder may have spent their entire lives finding a way to mask their worries and concerns.
2- According to the formal diagnosis for a General Anxiety Disorder a patient must have suffered from anxiety due to everyday problems for a minimum of six months. This can be shorter if the anxiety is particularly dangerous or concentrated around certain events. Proper testing for an Anxiety Disorder will, therefore, need several test over a fairly long period of time.
3- The key to diagnosing Anxiety Disorder through testing is ascertaining the level and frequency of a person's anxiety. Every person suffers from anxiety in certain situations and can actually help us perform better or react better but a person who suffers from Anxiety Disorder is always anxious and can be debilitating. It should be determined whether a person suffers when they are about to do certain things or whether they suffer on a much more general scale.
4- There are many resources for tests that you should consider utilizing. The Internet is virtually awash with self test websites. These sites let patients take the tests in an atmosphere that will create as little anxiety as possible.
5- Because of the nature of an Anxiety Disorder the patient must be aware that they will not be judged on their answers to a test. They must be put at ease and be entirely comfortable with taking the test and having someone read the answers. It is ill advised that a doctor perform this test on a patient they do not know.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Panic Attacks - How Do I Recognize These Attacks?

Panic attacks are common and most people who suffer from it undergo a variety of emotions within their hearts.
However, the most unfortunate factor is that some people don't know whether they have experienced a panic attack. This is because they don't have a clue about the potential symptoms of this serious disorder. According to a research, it has been proved that an average person usually experience at least one panic attack in their life time.
If one has the will power and the strength to overcome the anxiety and panic attacks, it is easy to cope up with this condition. The good news is that yes, one can easily cope up with this disease.
First and foremost, you need to understand the symptoms of this disease. Once you learn the symptoms, it would be quite easy for you to cope up with this disease.
Now, this does not indicate that the individual is caught in the web of panic attack or disorder. However, it is very important for one to know about the primary symptoms of panic attacks. This will help you a lot in identifying whether you are suffering from one.
A panic attack is often referred to as the flight or fight mechanism. This means that your body's reaction to a particular situation your mind perceives as stressful and needs instant resolution and action.
This also indicates that you have to leave it via solving it or running away from it. Your survival is instigated by the same reaction that results in high stress times. In case, the same reaction triggers at wrong times, it results in panic attack.
There are several symptoms of panic attack. One of the main symptoms is tightness in your chest. This can make you believe that you are having a heart attack.
In case, you experience this type of an attack, contact a doctor on an immediate basis. The doctor will recommend you to have certain medical exams.
Now the question is, how to identify whether you are having a panic attack. Most people feel tightness in their chest. However, there are several symptoms that indicate a panic attack. However, each symptom varies from one person to other.
Here is a list of certain distinguishing factors that define a panic attack:
a) Enhanced heart rate
b) Minor delusions
c) Rapid breathing
d) Nausea
e) Profuse sweating
f) Dizziness; Light headedness
g) Overwhelming feeling of dread or fear or panic
h) Increase in body temperature
i) Unfounded fear towards random objects or events
j) Tingling in one or both arms and/or the tips of the fingers.
The symptoms of panic attacks can be really daunting. However, the individual who is experiencing the combination of the panic attack symptoms mentioned above, needs remember that these feeling would not last for a long.
Remember that the panic attacks are only for a short period of time. The body is able to maintain this reaction any for about fifteen minutes.
Hence, the experts have come to a conclusion that the panic is in the patients' mind and not time. The whole experience may be overwhelming but it will not last for the whole day. It is hard to experience these symptoms. However, you would not die. You would definitely experience a relief soon.
Overall, what's important is to learn certain symptoms of panic attacks so that you can get timely treatment.