Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Panic Disorder Cause - Understanding the Cause of Panic Disorder is the Key to Breaking Free!

Panic disorder cause factors are probably on your mind if you have recently been diagnosed with the condition. At the very base of every successful panic disorder "cure" is the fact that in order to heal the disorder, the sufferer had to first understand what situations brought on an episode of panic attack and then understand what is causing their continuing occurrence.
Chances are, if you are reading this article, you have already suffered several terrifying panic attacks. With frightening symptoms that include intense dread, chest pain and palpitations, dizziness and nausea, it is important to work on determining the panic disorder cause that is triggering your panic attacks as soon as possible.
Initial panic attacks usually occur when a person comes under extreme pressure or stress. Panic disorder cause factors for initial panic attacks include:
1. Loss of a loved one or close friend
2. Following an injury or accident
3. Stress caused by work overload
4. Following surgery
5. Following childbirth
6. Excess consumption of stimulants such as caffeineor some of the stimulant drugs such as those used in the treatment of Asthma
Some people suffer just one or two panic attacks and then the symptoms disappear. However, when panic attacks keep returning, panic attacks progress to the condition known as panic disorder.
Understanding the panic disorder cause mechanism for recurring panic attacks is made simple with understanding of the panic attack cycle.
The panic attack cycle is made up of three distinct phases:
1. Anxiety
2. Built up fear of another panic attack occurring
3. Full blown panic attack. Then the cycle starts again.
Quite simply, understanding the panic disorder cause that triggers the initial sense of anxiety is the key to breaking this cycle apart.
Accordingly, sufferers of recurring panic attack are encouraged to think about the situations, conditions and emotions that they have experienced that cause the sense of anxiety in the first part of the cycle. Once that panic disorder cause is identified it is possible to work on changing the person's reactions to such situations, breaking the panic disorder cycle for good.
The usual medical method of treating panic disorder is to prescribe a combination of medication (often including strong anti depressants) and counselling. Unfortunately this is not a quick process, with effective counselling usually taking 8 - 15 sessions.
In addition many of the drugs used in treating panic disorder cause many unwanted and nasty side effects. These side effects include depression, aggressiveness, hallucinations, personality change and even drug dependence.
There is, however another method of approach towards the treatment of panic disorder cause and prevention that teaches what is essentially a "Step Back" mechanism.
The most successful of these natural approach programs is known simply as "Panic Away".
"Panic Away" is a self help treatment that has been available to sufferers of panic attacks and panic disorder for over seven years. In that time the "Panic Away" Program has been proven to help thousands of people overcome panic disorder and return to living a normal lifestyle free of anxiety.

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